Mind Cloud Tribe GPT

Hello. Welcome to Mind Cloud Tribe! How can I help you today on your entrepreneurial journey?

Resources to Help You

Launch and Grow Your Startup

Build Your Investment Deck
Advance Your Business Skills
Consult with Experts

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to Learning Journeys and Experts Tutorials

What you get when you join our Digital Incubator

100+ hours of tutorials
40+ mentors to support you in your journey
Business plan and Financial model tool-builders
Guided steps to your own investment deck
Professional certification

Mind Cloud Tribe in the News

Learning Journeys

A Step-by-step builder for your Business Plan,
Financial Model & Investment Deck.

Digital Incubator

A step-by-step incubation journey for New Entrepreneurs, consisting of video-tutorials and tool-builders to guide you through building your Business Plan, starting with your Business Model Canvas, all the way to your Financial Model & Investment Deck


  •  Professional Certification
  •  16 Tool-Builders
  •  16 Video Tutorials
  •  16 Downloadable Tools

Digital Accelerator

A step-by-step acceleration journey for Growth Entrepreneurs, consisting of video-tutorials and tool-builders to guide you to generate your Financial Model & Investment Deck


  •  Professional Certification
  • 8 Tool-Builders
  • 8 Video Tutorials
  • 8 Downloadable Tools

  • Intro to Digital Incubator

    • Empathy Map Ideation

    Business Model Canvas

    • Business Model Canvas
    • Value Proposition Canvas

  • Go-To-Market Strategies

    • SWOT Analysis Template
    • Position And Marketing Mix
    • Strategic Marketing Plan
    • Customer Journey
    • Marketing Campaign Model Canvas
    • Online Sales Funnel

  • Financial Management

    • Intro To Financial Management
    • Income Statement
    • Balance Sheet Statement
    • Cashflow Statement
    • Break Even Point-Sheet
    • Discounted Cashflow Valuation
    • Financial Model

  • Legal Structures

    • Legal Term Sheet

    Investment Deck

    • Investment Or Pitch Deck

  • Business Model and Value Proposition

    Pitching Methodologies

  • Design Thinking and Customer Personas

    Finance and Valuation

  • Marketing & PR

    Leadership and Effective Teams

  • Customer Acquisition

    Scaling Up












Access more than 50+ categories of masterclass videos. All you need to know in order to build and grow a successful startup.


Book one-on-one sessions with experts and industry thought leaders from our amazing community of mentors.


Who is it For?

Our platform is designed for entrepreneurs at all different stages.

  • For New Entrepreneurs

    Looking to start a business and requiring direction

  • For Corporate Intrapreneurs

    Looking to launch a venture within their institution

  • For Growth Entrepreneurs

    Looking to grow their business and up-skill their team

  • For Growth Entrepreneurs

    Looking to grow their business and up-skill their team

You're Ready!


What has landed you here is your biggest strength, the desire to step into your vision. We offer you our five valuable attributes of knowledge, skills, confidence, credibility and networks. In return, we invite you to share with us your courage, commitment, vision, achievement and success.


Stepping into your vision requires a bold mindset, a set of skills, and the support of your "Tribe"

Why Our Digital Incubator and Accelerator is Unique

Guided Digital Programs
Unique Entrepreneurial Journeys
Team Experience with 500+ Startups

Experts Tutorials


Mind Cloud Tribe has gathered a group of successful and inspirational experts committed to sharing their knowledge and working with entrepreneurs towards solving problems and developing strategies for success.

Our video tutorials created by 40+ Experts are divided into 50+ Categories, allowing you to dig deeper into each subject matter. Discover what Expert Tutorials and Categories are the most popular.

Most Popular Categories

Join Mind Cloud Tribe Today!

Get free limited access to Learning Journeys and Experts Tutorials

Consult with Experts

Feeling stuck? Book one-on-one video meetings with our panel of top business Experts.

Join our Tribe of Experts

Join our tribe as an Expert if you love to share your knowledge. We will connect you with an audience eager for your expertise.

Why Join?

No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, Mind Cloud Tribe is your partner to bridge all the knowledge gaps, and be equipped to make the right decisions.

Making the right decisions is the number one success factor for any entrepreneur or business owner. We provide guidance and services to determine you're on the right path.

What our Members love

  • Entrepreneurship is a lonely and difficult journey. I never knew I could do and learn so many things. It took me to the next level, from brainstorming the idea to building the financial model. Now I have the confidence to launch my own business, something I never had before, and for that it is worth it.

    Kushbu Surana Founder of LaunShe
  • Mind Cloud Tribe was the difference-maker for my startup business. I thought I knew everything I needed to know to launch my own startup. However, early on using the platform, I soon discovered that I had overlooked some key and critical areas. The tutorials taught me everything I need to know and critically, where I had to improve upon. It's potentially the difference between success and failure.

    I cannot recommend Mind Cloud Tribe enough. I wish I had signed up earlier as I would have saved myself a considerable amount of time and money launching my startup.

    You'r be crazy not to give it a try! It will absolutely change your life and give you the best possible chance of success

    Darien Ellul Founder of Eidya
  • I was glad I attended the Fintech Saudi Bus. Bootcamp; which Genny Ghanimeh, the Founder & CEO of Mind Cloud Tribe ran perfectly and provided a wealth of information for wanna-be startup founders and serial founders as well. Using the Mind Cloud Tribe platform was very helpul for us to build the pitch seemingly. Kudos

    Husam Yaghi, PHD Founder of Fatafeet
  • What made me join Mind Cloud Tribe and Mind Cloud Academy even though I believed that I had enough knowledge in some topics more than others, were 2 main points: 1st, that Mind Cloud did not want anything in return except supporting startups to be or make a difference and land an investment, and  2nd, the way Genny Ghanimeh led and designed the courses and program was always something new to learn and to be challenge with. It opened the door for me to validate what I know and how to improve myself.

    I am happily supporting Mind Cloud back because knowledge/experience is not to be kept but to be given, and Mind Cloud truly has that as a top value. Looking forward for pitching to investors and nail some investment.

    Nabil Azar Co-Founder of Digi Agri Ltd
  • The MCT Learning Journey was more than wonderful, especially its reliance on the practical side more than the theoretical, and this indicates the experience and high competence of the founders, and this is what I was really touched by, and there are no words worthy to thank Prof. Genny Ghanimeh and Marwan Salem and their efforts.

    Dr. Kahtan Alsaloom Founder of Yosr Financing co.
  • When 2 siblings are co-founders like my case, we didn't pay attention to what are each others roles, and we learned that each has to have specific roles and responsibilities if we want to succeed and grow our family business. What was highlighted the most to me is to go into the vastness of the business and address each part by itself while not losing sight of the wider vision.

    Sahar Davodi Founder of Pure Blue
  • Mind Cloud was instrumental in helping me shape my startup business strategy by guiding me through the development of my business concept, strategy and plan. All of which resulted into being investment-ready and have a solid investor deck.

    Nour Sabri Founder at borrowme
  • It was a great pleasure to learn from Genny and Marwan throughout the program. Mind Cloud Tribe platform helped facilitate our learning journey, transforming what seemed like a chaotic process (building the startup blocks, like BMC, VP, SWOT, …etc.) into a very simple process, especially for first time founders like myself.

    Abdulaziz Almousa Founder of Bostan
  • Mind Cloud really helped shape our strategy and develop a investment-ready pitch. Every week we would dive into one aspect of the business with clear deliverables and supporting frameworks. The insights gained from Genny herself, the sharing of knowledge feedback with other team members, and the knowledge from other experts helped me progress much faster towards launching Livada and developing our story

    Jad El Jamous Founder at Livada

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